Make a reservation on the website using promo code „ONLINE” and get 5% discount
Select an option
Select a ticket type
Event L
Total cost Mon - Fri 250 PLN ; Total cost Weekend 360 PLN; Up to 8 people
Event L+
Total cost Mon - Fri 300 PLN ; Total cost Weekend 440 PLN; Up to 10 people
Event XL
Total cost Mon - Fri 600 PLN; Weekend - 800 PLN; deposit 240 PLN; Up to 16 people
Event XL+
Total cost Mon - Fri 800 PLN; Weekend - 1000 PLN; deposit 300 PLN; Up to 20 people
Event XXL
Total cost Mon-Fri 1300 PLN; Weekend 1800 PLN; Deposit 600 PLN; Up to 44 people
Event XXL+
Total cost Mon-Fri 1600 PLN; Weekend 2200 PLN; Deposit 700 PLN; Up to 55 people
Choose a term
Number of people
Date of visit
250 PLN
250 PLN
Additional options
+ Additional party attendee
50 PLN
+ Non-slip socks
10 PLN